Week 8 Reading and Writing

 Reading and Writing

Blogging from The Bumbles Blog

I enjoyed reading the Mahabharata and Ramayana, it brought a lot of insight on stories I’ve heard as a child from my parents! I am most definitely happy with my blog! It is my first blog ever, and I’ve enjoyed learning new storytelling techniques that I’ve included in my stories! My favorite reading is the Mahabharata! There were a lot of small lessons and meanings that create a greater impact on the story! I do have some bias because Ganesha wrote it, and I am writing a storybook on him! My biggest accomplishment must be writing a story based on the original versions. This is my first-time having exposure to this type of an assignment, and it has my creative juices flowing! My reading notes are helping me summarize my thoughts and apply them to my own story assignments. I am excited to learn more techniques!


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