Story Laboratory - TV Tropes

Story Laboratory - TV Tropes

Some of the TV Tropes that I found to be eye-catching were: “Corpsing”, “You Make Me Sic”, and “Obviously Not Fine”.  

Many a times in News Hours, TV Shows, and Movies, you may notice “unscripted” laughter. This action is given the name of “Corpsing”. Sometimes giggles happen, and you can’t help it! In the article there is an example from Gary Owens reading an ad out loud – once he realized what he was sponsoring… he started laughing. When I watched the video, I was laughing too – his laugh was so contagious! Article: Corpsing; Video: Gary Owens Commercial

I think we’ve all experienced this next one I’m about to talk about! The grammar police… you send such a long message hoping for a favorable response– and what do you get? The grammar polices. On the other hand, one can show how intelligent they are through the “grammar police” character. You Make Me Sic

I feel like we’ve all heard this one, and I have done this on numerous occasions! Saying you’re fine when clearly, you’re not. You may also downplay the situation just to feel like everything is normal. Or you say it sarcastically in a situation where evidently nothing is going right, but you just pause, smile, and say “I’m fine”. Obviously Not Fine

Obviously Not Fine! from TV Tropes


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