Feedback Thoughts


Feedback for Learning

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head

After reading this article I realized that we are inherently thinking about how to improve and how to strengthen a skill that we get negative feedback one. I think that it is crucial to start taking in the positive aspects of our work and make sure that we acknowledge those as well. I thought what the author said was very true – when an individual is commenting on positive feedback we don’t tend to jot it down, but the moment someone give negative or critical feedback we jot it down so we can further improve.

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head

A fixed mindset could be holding you back – here’s how to change it

The article spoke about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. I found it quite interesting, but true, that kids who are taught to have fixed mindsets tend to have more difficulty taking in negative feedback. A growth mindset individual is easily able to adapt to this consequence or critique and take it as a growing process. I think when you achieve the growth mindset you look back at your achievements and feel more proud about the process –  you did it!

A fixed minset could be holding you back - here's how to change it

Overall, I think feedback good or bad engages a person to keep moving forward and reflect on their accomplishments. 

Feedback (from Ed Tech Chat WordPress)


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